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Michigan's Worried about Line 5 Spill into Mackinac Straits

February 22, 2019

Michigan residents are worried about a spill of the Line 5 underwater oil pipeline in to the Straits of Mackinac and are even more concerned about a rupture during winter’s icy conditions, new...

MPLP Announces Class of 2019

January 11, 2019

Michigan State University’s Michigan Political Leadership Program has named a diverse group of business, nonprofit and legislative professionals as members of its Class of 2019.

The 24 MPLP...

Michigan Warms to Trump, Cools to Snyder, Sees Bright Economy Ahead

December 14, 2018

As 2018 came to a chilly close, Michigan’s residents warmed to President Donald Trump, cooled to outgoing Gov. Rick Snyder and look forward to a sunny economy in 2019.

President Trump’s...

Michigan Swings Back to Blue in Election 2018

December 13, 2018

Even before the 2018 election, Michigan appeared to be trending to blue and ready to seek political change, Michigan State University’s State of the State podcasters said in their latest online...

Jan 16 Forum: Opioid Use and Suicide

December 13, 2018

Opioid overdose and suicide are among the leading causes of death in Michigan. The state’s double crisis will be the topic of the new year’s first Institute for Public Policy and Social Research...

MPLP Sees First Top-of-Ticket Election Win

November 20, 2018

Michigan’s new Secretary of State-elect is a Michigan Political Leadership Program graduate – the first statewide officer elected on a partisan ballot from the leadership program, based on...

IPPSR Wins Grant Expanding Health Policy Education

November 20, 2018

IPPSR is expanding its role as a hub for critical policy leadership, education and learning with a $434,891 grant from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, it was announced.

The grant is...

Term Limits: Here and Now

November 05, 2018

As Michigan rounds a milestone anniversary of its toughest-in-the-nation term limits, Michigan State University’s Institute for Public Policy and Social Research reviewed their effects in an IPPSR...

New SOSS: Three Props Winning; Top-Ticket Dems in Narrow Races

October 26, 2018

With mid-term elections less than two weeks away, Democrats appear to lead in two in top-of-ticket races, the latest results from Michigan State University’s State of the State Survey indicate....

Michigan Supports Move from Coal to Solar and Wind

October 18, 2018

Michigan residents support a transition from coal-fired power to more solar and wind energy, a new Michigan State University research report finds.

Public support of natural gas-generated...

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