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The World is Hard to Change
Social science has its limits.
We live in a revolutionary time of social data expansion, methodological innovation and active engagement between policymakers and researchers. As a result, we are better able to learn about social...
Where Does Michigan Redistricting Go Next?
Michigan's Independent Redistricting Commission (MICRC) is redrawing its metro Detroit legislative districts, ruled unconstitutional by a federal court due to their predominant use of racial targets in their initial drawing, resulting in a violation...
Partisan Fairness and Minority Representation
In 2021, an Independent Citizen Redistricting Commission drew the district maps to be used in all elections to the Michigan legislature over the following decade. With the maps adopted by the Commission, Democrats win more seats than the number they would have won with the maps drawn by a...
Building a Holistic Political Case for Racial Equity through Unified Policy Transformation
Racial equity is a defining challenge in America, a deeply rooted issue that demands a unified, comprehensive approach from policymakers across ideological spectrums. In dissecting the landscape of racial disparities, it becomes evident that a comprehensive strategy is essential to tackle...
Let's Talk Integrated Care
As the correlation between physical and behavioral health is becoming increasingly more recognized, policymakers and stakeholders alike are interested in addressing the health disparities related to the co-occurrence of these conditions in the Michigan population. Research continues to exemplify...
Evaluating the Impact of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Detroit
A new data-driven study provides insights regarding the effects of the federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) in Detroit, assessing how this place-based policy shaped key housing market outcomes in the aftermath of the 2008 foreclosure crisis. Using recent advances in statistical-...
Sailing Toward The Debt Ceiling Cliff
It took 15 ballots, but eventually, new Congressional leadership was elected. Urged by President Trump to “play tough” on the debt ceiling, the House immediately set out to provoke a crisis. Another one. For a few months, the Treasury has gotten by on extraordinary measures like delaying...
Redistricting's effect on Black Representation in Michigan
Michigan had a historic midterm election following its first redistricting process under the Independent Redistricting Commission. The Commission set out to create districts with a reasonable threshold for the Black communities preferred candidates to win, even as these districts had a lower...
ARPA Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds in Michigan: Spending Plans as of April 2022
Just over 17% of the $4.4 billion allocated to Michigan local governments have been spent. Nearly $3.6 billion funds remain unobligated, $3 billion to be spent by 64 large Michigan local governments, while $642 million for the remaining.
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