MPLP Pledge Form Use the form below to pledge your support for MPLP. First Name : Last Name : Address : City : State : Zip : Business/Organization name : Business Phone : Business Fax : Email : Choose from the following pledge options MPLP Partner $25,000 Scholarship Funds MPLP Legacy Scholarship ($60,000 - $12,000 annually for 5 years) MPLP Legacy Scholarship ($12,000 for 1 year) MPLP General Scholarship (Other amount) Weekend Underwriting Sponsorship Weekend Sponsor $15,000 Weekend Sponsor $5,000 MPLP Annual Fundraising Events (Dinner and/or Breakfast Sponsor) Dinner Sponsorship $10,000 $5,000 $2,500 $1,500 Individual Tickets ($150/ea) Breakfast Sponsorship $10,000 $5,000 $2,500 $1,500 Individual Tickets ($150/ea) Please enter the number below as confirmation that you are human.3739