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Welcome to the State of the State Survey (SOSS) Data. This is a ongoing resource which allows policymakers, MSU faculty, and SOSS sponsors to tap into the perceptions of Michigan adults on a quarterly basis.

The Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at Michigan State University administers SOSS and this archive through its Office for Survey Research. We encourage use of the data for publications and news releases. 

Importance of Cities Declines, Remains Strong

Brian McGrain, Paul Burton, edited by Amy J. Baumer and Douglas B. Roberts

November 2005

Economy, Jobs Top Issues for Michigan Residents

Brian D. Silver, Amy J. Baumer

April 2005

Racial Disparities in Michigan Health Care

Michael J. Mills

September 2004

Racial Disparities in Michigan Health Care

Michael J. Mills, Ada W. Finifter

September 2004

Presidential Race Nip and Tuck in Michigan

Brian D. Silver, Caroline Starrs, edited by Amy Baumer

July 2004

The Threat of Terrorism and Michigan Public Opinion

Darren Davis, Brian Silver, edited by Amy Baumer

April 2004

Michigan Residents 'Weigh in' on Health Issues

Julie L. Ford, Beth H. Olson, Amy J. Baumer

February 2004

Budget Downturns and Higher Education Funding

Douglas B. Roberts, Amy J. Baumer, Brian D. Silver, Caroline Starrs

December 2003

How Accurate Are Perceptions of Social Statistics About Blacks and Whites?

Stan Kaplowitz, Bradley Fisher, Clifford Broman

August 2003