The April forum discussion will present preliminary research findings that have implications for identifying best practices and developing spill remediation policy for the State of Michigan. A research panel will report on public perceptions of the risks associated with underwater oil spills based on surveys and modeling. Additionally, the MSU team will provide a research status update on a first-time investigation into how oil accumulates and spreads beneath lake ice in the winter season. The forum will outline considerations such as tourism, employment, revenue, and safe transport of fuel supplies for policy makers striving to maintain the health of the Great Lakes.
Panelist Biographical Information
- Doug Bessette, Assistant Professor, Community Sustainability, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Robert Richardson, Associate Professor and Ecological Economist, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Michelle Rutty, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Tourism, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Volodymyr (Vlad) Tarabara, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
See presentation introducing Winter Lakes Forum.
See biographies of IPPSR Public Policy Forum panelists
- Watch the April 17th 2019 forum here
Oil Spills in Michigan and Louisiana, a panel hosted by Volodymyr (Vlad) Tarabara