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Wealth Inequality in Black and White: Cultural and Structural Sources of the Racial Wealth Gap
Dynamic Responsiveness in the American States, 1936 to 2014
Wearing body cameras increases assaults against officers and does not reduce police use of force: Results from a global multi-site experiment
Constitutional Qualms or Politics as Usual. The Factors Shaping Public Support for Unilateral Action
Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination
Shaping Citizen Perceptions of Police Legitimacy: A Randomized Field Trial of Procedural Justice
Teachers, Race, and Student Achievement in a Randomized Experiment
Intergenerational conflict and the political economy of higher education funding
Where Have All the (White and Hispanic) Inmates Gone? Comparing the Racial Composition of Private and Public Adult Correctional Facilities