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Laura Schmitt Olabisi
Assistant Professor, Community SustainabilityExpertise
Schmitt Olabisi’s past and present research has addressed soil erosion, population growth, greenhouse gas emissions, water sustainability, energy use, deforestation, adoption of organic/sustainable agricultural techniques, climate change and human migration, and climate change and human health.
Current Research
- Schmitt Olabisi, L., Adebiyi, J.A., Traoré, P. C. S., and Kakwera, M. (revision submitted). Does Participatory Scenario Visioning Promote Learning? Evidence from Three African Countries. Elementa.
- Whitely, C. T., Rivers, L., Bryant, S., Ligmann-Zielinska, A., Schmitt Olabisi, L., and Marquart-Pyatt, S. (revision submitted). Climate-induced Migration: Using Mental Models to Explore Aggregate and Individual Decisions. Journal of Risk Research.
- Nazir, N., and Schmitt Olabisi, L. (submitted). Forest area and land use change in Pakistan: A system dynamics approach. Forest Ecology & Management.
- McKay, P., Vogt, C., and Schmitt Olabisi, L. (under revision) Governance Capacities through the Eyes of Practitioners for Improving Outcomes for a Complex Socio-Ecological System. Environmental Systems & Decisions.
- Grabowski, P., Schmitt Olabisi, L., Waldman, K., Adebiyi, J. and Rogé, P. Adoption Potential of Perennial Grains in Africa. Ecological Economics.
Selected Publications
Schmitt Olabisi, L., Wang, R. Q., and A. Ligmann-Zielinska. 2015. Why don't more farmers go organic? Using an agent-based model to represent complex decision-making. Land published online 22 October 2015.
Adebiyi, J. A., Schmitt Olabisi, L., and Snapp, S. 2015. Understanding Perennial Wheat Adoption as a Transformative Technology: Evidence from the literature and farmers. Renewable Agriculture & Food Systems published online 22 June 2015.
Johnson, K. A., Dana, G., Jordan, N. R., Draeger, K. J., Kapuscinski, A. R., Schmitt Olabisi, L. K., and Reich, P. B.. 2012. Participatory Scenarios and Social Learning for Sustainability. Ecology and Society 17(2): 9.
Schmitt Olabisi, L. 2012. Uncovering the root causes of soil erosion in the Philippines. Society & Natural Resources 25: 37-51.
Jordan, N., Schively Slotterback, S., Kim, J., Cadieux, V., Schmitt Olabisi, L., Pitt, D., and Mulla, D. 2011. TMDL planning in agricultural landscapes: A communicative and systemic approach. Environmental Management 48(1): 1-12.
Media Coverage
UTSA researcher awarded NSF grant to help increase Africa food securityNew incubator farm will help feed Upper Peninsula, fuel local economy
Public Service