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Climate Extremes and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Advancing the Resilience of Michigan Communities to Compound Hazards
Wonmin Sohn, Zeenat Kotval-Karamchandani, Marie Ruemenapp, Phil Schertzing
Did Cash Transfers from the 2021 Child Tax Credit Expansion Improve Maternal and Infant Health? A Policy Brief
Elizabeth Vickers, Katlyn Hettinger, Yasamean Zamani-Hank, Claire Margerison
Climate Extremes and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Advancing the Resilience of Michigan Communities to Compound Hazard
Wonmin Sohn, Zeenat Kotval-Karamchandani, Marie Ruemenapp, Phil Schertzing
Public Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Wolves and Wolf Management in Michigan
Shawn J. Riley, Megan Cross, Emily F. Pomeranz
ARPA Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds in Michigan : Spending Plans as of April 2022
Sarah Klammer, Mary Schulz
Developing Utility-Scale Solar Power in Michigan at the Agriculture-Energy Nexus
Sharlissa Moore, Hannah Graff, Carolyn Ouellet, Skyler Leslie, Danny Olweean, Alec Wycoff
Broadband and Student Performance Gaps
Keith N. Hampton, Laleah Fernandez, Craig T. Robertson, Johannes M. Bauer
Exploring the Decision-Making Architecture of Parents Responsible for the Vaccination Status of their School-Age Children in Northern Lower Michigan
Dan Dutkiewicz, Ph.D., Lixin Zhang, PhD
Overcoming Michigan's Homework Gap: The Role of Broadband Internet Connectivity for Student Success and Career Outlooks
Johannes M. Bauer, Keith N. Hampton, Laleah Fernandez, Craig T. Robertson
Providing Safe School Environments: Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
Suk-Kyung Kim, Ph.D., Linda Nubani, Ph.D., Jun-Hyun Kim, Ph.D, Tongbin Teresa Qu, Ph.D., Juntae Jake Son, M.S., Ph.D.
How variation in internet access, digital skills, and media use are related to rural student outcomes: GPA, SAT, and educational aspirations
Keith N. Hampton, Craig T. Robertson, Laleah Fernandez, Inyoung Shin, Johannes M. Bauer
Based on MAPPR research
Supporting Great Start Readiness Program Teachers in Michigan
Bethany Wilinski, Alyssa Morley, Jessica Marie Landgraf
Spatial Mismatch in Housing and Employment: A Tool for Targeted Intervention in Michigan Neighborhoods
Noah Durst, Weijing Wang, Huiqing Huang
Impacts of the 2014 Medicaid Expansion on Preconception Health among Women of Reproductive Age
Claire Margerison, Colleen MacCallum, Yasamean Zamani-Hank
A Closer Look at Legacy Costs and Local Actions in Michigan in the Wake of PA 202
Shu Wang, Samantha Zinnes
Partnership Turnaround: One Year Report
Katharine Strunk, Joshua Cowen, Chris Torres, Jason Burns, Sandy Waldron, Amy Auletto
Michigan's Energy Future: Expert and Public Opinion on Energy Transitions in Michigan
Sharlissa Moore, Annick Anctil
There is No Substitute: Michigan’s Substitute Teacher Shortage
Nathan Burroughs, Jacqueline Gardner, Dirk Zuschlag
Paraeducator Training, Supervision, and Evaluation in Michigan
Sarah N. Douglas, Ryan P. Bowles
A One Health Approach to Information Seeking and Sharing about Antibiotic Resistance among Agriculture Producers and Veterinarians
Maria K. Lapinski, Grace YoungJoo Jeon, Julie Funk, Bo Norby
Conceptions of Local Economic Development: Comparing Citizen and Official Attitudes
Laura A. Reese, Xiaomeng Li, Alex Andrews
Unnatural Disasters: Can Nonprofit Governance Promote Recovery in Detroit and Flint?
Davia Cox Downey, Sarah Reckhow
Clicking Into Harm's Way: The Decision to Purchase Regulated Goods Online
Jay P. Kennedy , Jeremy M. Wilson
Bridging Michigan’s Social and Digital Divides : Action and Policy Recommendations
Bianca Reisdorf, Mitch Shapiro, William H. Dutton
Alcohol Advertising in Social Media among Minors
Saleem Alhabash, Jef Richards, Elizabeth Taylor Quilliam, Anna R McAlister
Developing a Cellulosic Biomass Supply Chain in Michigan
Bryan Bals, Dennis Pennington, Bruce Dale
Open the Black Box: The Conflict between the Top-Down and Bottom-Up Implementation of PA 436 in MI
Shu Wang, Andrew Crosby, Daniel Casey-Dunn
Impact of Agriculture on Water Quality: Michigan Resident's Perceptions
John Mann, Steve Miller, Dale Rozeboom, Jason Smith, Steve Safferman, Andrea Leschewski
Policy Variation among Local Governments and Implications for Freshwater Conservation and Management
Shika Singh, Daniel Boyd Kramer
Michigan Citizen's Response to Gray Wolf-Related Gray Risks
Meredith Gore, Mark Axelrod, Michelle Lute
Michigan Citizens' Response to Aquatic Invasive Species Threats
Meredith Gore, Mark Axelrod, Michelle Lute
Integrated Asset Management: Dealing with Neglected Infrastructure and Vacant Property in Legacy Cities
Mary Beth Graebert, Mohamed El-Gafy, Mark Wyckoff, Yue Cui
Urban Livestock Adoption in Detroit, Michigan
Laura Schmitt Olabisi, Reneé V. Wallace, Kyle R. Metta
Improving Public Outreach and Education Programs to Minimize the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species
Daniel M. O'Keefe, Jennie Lee, Juhyoung Han, Chi-Ok Oh
Using New Methods in Risk Communication to Improve Invasive Species Management in Michigan
Meredith L. Gore, Adam Zwickle, Joseph A. Hamm, Dwayne Etter
Product Counterfeiting in Michigan: Evidence-Based Lessons for the State of Michigan
Justin Heionen, Jeremy Wilson
Report on Preferences of Michigan Communities along the Wolverine Corridor for the Future of Michigan's High-Speed Rail Service
Eva Kassens-Norr, Josh Vertalka, Ann Sojka, Paul Curran, Alanna Maguire
Michigan's Communication Infrastructure Needs: Assessment and Policy Options
Johannes M. Bauer, Kurt DeMaagd, Steven Wildman, Seungyn Yook
Public Policy and Impacts on Adoption of Sustainable Built Environments: Learning from the Construction Industry Playmakers
Timothy D. Mulligan, Sinem Mollaoğlu-Korkmaz, Russell Cotner, Adrienne Domas Goldsberry
Evaluation of the Pure Michigan Campaign: Policy Implications and the Importance of Empowering Michigan Residents
Dennis B. Propst, Eunseong Jeong
Retirement Funding: Expectations of Income; Sources and Income Reliance
Janet Bokemeier, Elizabeth Ann Whitaker, Colleen Wilson-Rood
Resident Support Farmers Adapting to Climate Change: A Survey of Attitudes Toward Government Assistance to Crop Farmers
Scott Loveridge, Gi Eu Lee, Julie Winkler
Families Coping with Economic Crisis: The Impact of the Michigan Economy on Michiganians and Their Families
Clifford Broman, Maryhelen D. MacInnes
ArtSmarts Among Innovators: In Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics(STEM)
Rex LaMore, Robert Root-Bernstein, James Lawton, Michele Root-Bernstein, Eileen Roraback, Amber Peruski, Megan Vandyke Laleah Fernandez
Attitudes of Michigan Residents Toward Using and Funding Public Transportation
Stan A Kaplowitz and Richard W. Lyles
The Social and Economic Costs of Employee Misclassification in Michigan
Dale L. Belman, Richard Block
Attitudes of Michigan Residents Toward Using and Funding Public Transportation
Stan A. Kaplowitz, Richard W. Lyles
New Urbanism in Michigan: Case Studies, Public Opinions and Evidence-based Policy Suggestions
Suk-Kyung Kim, Jaechoon Lee, Randy A. Bell
Advancing Community Change and Sustainability
Celeste Sturdevant Reed, Laura Bates, Betty Tableman
Changes in the Income Distribution in Michigan 1976-2006, with Comparison to Other States
Charles L. Ballard, Paul L. Menchik
Urban Concerns-Urban Land Revitilization and Sustainable Development
Cynthia Fridgen, Michael R. Thomas
A Proposal to Study Current Policy Regarding Educational Programs in the Michigan Dept. of Corrections and its Effect on the Inmate Population
Charles Corley, John Dirkx, Gloria Kielbaso
Medicare Managed Care: How Will it Work For African Americans
Reynard Bouknight, Andrew J. Hogan
Reducing Probationer Recidivism: A Collaborative Project by the School of Criminal Justice and the Michigan Department of Corrections
Sheila Maxwell, Timothy Bynum
The Dynamics of School Choice in Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Lansing
Gary Sykes, David Arsen, David N. Plank
Michigan's Charter Schools as Sites for Educational Innovation
Michael Mintrom
Dealing with the Use and Abuse of Illicit Drugs: Examining Problems and Policy Issues
Sheila Maxwell
Evaluating the Administration of Workers' Compensation and Its Relationship to Program Outcomes: Implications for Michigan
Karen Roberts, Ed Welch
The Impact of Welfare Reform Incentives on Health Care Utilization and Cost Patterns Among Families Leaving the Medicaid Program
Charles Given, Cathy Bradley, Elaine Beane
The Impact of Welfare Reform Incentives on Health Care Utilization and Cost Patterns Among Families Leaving the Medicaid Program
Charles Given, Cathy Bradley, Elaine Beane
Community Asset Development For Youth: A Strengths-based Approach to Preventing Substance Abuse and Violence
William Donohue, Steven Kaagan, Joanne Keith
Proposal 2: The Impact of Proposal 2 on Minority and Women-Owned New Firms in Michigan
Joe T. Darden, Steven J. Gold
Public Policy and Evaluation of Services to Enable and Empower Kids
Carol Taylor, Lori Wibert, Chun-Hao Li
The Dynamics of School Choice in Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Lansing
Gary Sykes, David Arsen, David N. Plank