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Did Cash Transfers from the 2021 Child Tax Credit Expansion Improve Maternal and Infant Health? A Policy Brief

Elizabeth Vickers, Katlyn Hettinger, Yasamean Zamani-Hank, Claire Margerison


Health Policy

Integrated behavioral health care in Michigan

Katie Anderson, RN, DNP, PMHNP-BC


Health Policy

Developing Utility-Scale Solar Power in Michigan at the Agriculture-Energy Nexus

Sharlissa Moore, Hannah Graff, Carolyn Ouellet, Skyler Leslie, Danny Olweean, Alec Wycoff



Broadband and Student Performance Gaps

Keith N. Hampton, Laleah Fernandez, Craig T. Robertson, Johannes M. Bauer


Children, Youth, and Families

Providing Safe School Environments: Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

Suk-Kyung Kim, Ph.D., Linda Nubani, Ph.D., Jun-Hyun Kim, Ph.D, Tongbin Teresa Qu, Ph.D., Juntae Jake Son, M.S., Ph.D.


Children, Youth, and Families

Based on MAPPR research

Supporting Great Start Readiness Program Teachers in Michigan

Bethany Wilinski, Alyssa Morley, Jessica Marie Landgraf


Children, Youth, and Families

Partnership Turnaround: One Year Report

Katharine Strunk, Joshua Cowen, Chris Torres, Jason Burns, Sandy Waldron, Amy Auletto


Children, Youth, and Families

Detroit Logistics Center Review

Daniel F. Lynch, Roger E. Hamlin



Alcohol Advertising in Social Media among Minors

Saleem Alhabash, Jef Richards, Elizabeth Taylor Quilliam, Anna R McAlister


Children, Youth, and Families

Impact of Agriculture on Water Quality: Michigan Resident's Perceptions

John Mann, Steve Miller, Dale Rozeboom, Jason Smith, Steve Safferman, Andrea Leschewski



Policy Variation among Local Governments and Implications for Freshwater Conservation and Management

Shika Singh, Daniel Boyd Kramer


Urban Livestock Adoption in Detroit, Michigan

Laura Schmitt Olabisi, Reneé V. Wallace, Kyle R. Metta



Michigan's Communication Infrastructure Needs: Assessment and Policy Options

Johannes M. Bauer, Kurt DeMaagd, Steven Wildman, Seungyn Yook



Retirement Funding: Expectations of Income; Sources and Income Reliance

Janet Bokemeier, Elizabeth Ann Whitaker, Colleen Wilson-Rood


Other Issues

ArtSmarts Among Innovators: In Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics(STEM)

Rex LaMore, Robert Root-Bernstein, James Lawton, Michele Root-Bernstein, Eileen Roraback, Amber Peruski, Megan Vandyke Laleah Fernandez


Business and the Economy

Michigan Attitudes Toward Renewable Energy

Timothy Komarek, Stephen Harsh, Lynn Hamilton



Stored Blood Spots: Ethical and Policy Challenges

Leonard Fleck, Ann Mongoven, Sarah Marzec


Health Policy

Advancing Community Change and Sustainability

Celeste Sturdevant Reed, Laura Bates, Betty Tableman


Urban & Local Government Policy

Michigan Attitudes Toward Renewable Energy

Timothy Komarek, Stephen Harsh, Lynn Hamilton


Other Issues

Reducing Probationer Recidivism: A Collaborative Project by the School of Criminal Justice and the Michigan Department of Corrections

Sheila Maxwell, Timothy Bynum

Urban & Local Government Policy

The Dynamics of School Choice in Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Lansing

Gary Sykes, David Arsen, David N. Plank

Children, Youth, and Families

Understanding Michigan's Brownfield Initiative

Richard Hula

Urban & Local Government Policy

Michigan's Charter Schools as Sites for Educational Innovation

Michael Mintrom

Children, Youth, and Families

Dealing with the Use and Abuse of Illicit Drugs: Examining Problems and Policy Issues

Sheila Maxwell

Criminal Justice

Michigan's Sentencing and Incarceration Practices

Chris Maxwell, Tim Bynum

Criminal Justice

Evaluating the Administration of Workers' Compensation and Its Relationship to Program Outcomes: Implications for Michigan

Karen Roberts, Ed Welch

Health Policy

The Impact of Welfare Reform Incentives on Health Care Utilization and Cost Patterns Among Families Leaving the Medicaid Program

Charles Given, Cathy Bradley, Elaine Beane

Health Policy

The Impact of Welfare Reform Incentives on Health Care Utilization and Cost Patterns Among Families Leaving the Medicaid Program

Charles Given, Cathy Bradley, Elaine Beane

Health Policy

Newborn Intensive Care Units and the Inner-City Detroit Neighborhoods

Michael A. Rip

Health Policy

Public Policy and Evaluation of Services to Enable and Empower Kids

Carol Taylor, Lori Wibert, Chun-Hao Li

Urban & Local Government Policy

The Dynamics of School Choice in Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Lansing

Gary Sykes, David Arsen, David N. Plank

Children, Youth, and Families