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Tuesday, March 15, 2022 - 1:30pm3:30pm
Online Via Zoom
Want to help inform today’s policy debates? Wonder how you can share your research outcomes with people who are at the forefront of policy discussions?
Policy makers face problems every day without having contextual information or facts to effectively address them. Often, they must search beyond anecdotal constituent conversations for research-based information to begin thinking through effective, problem-solving strategies.
This session is for MSU faculty and academic staff who are considering, or currently engaged in, policy-relevant research and are looking for ways to communicate their work to decision-makers. Organized by the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR), the workshop focuses on what policy makers at all levels of government look for from researchers, practical guidelines for writing research briefs, campus resources for applied research, and effective strategies for connecting your scholarship to the policy-making community. 

REGISTER NOW: Connecting Research to Public Policy - University Outreach and Engagement - Michigan State University (