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ARPA Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds in Michigan : Spending Plans as of April 2022
Did Cash Transfers from the 2021 Child Tax Credit Expansion Improve Maternal and Infant Health? A Policy Brief
Exploring the Decision-Making Architecture of Parents Responsible for the Vaccination Status of their School-Age Children in Northern Lower Michigan
Impacts of the 2014 Medicaid Expansion on Preconception Health among Women of Reproductive Age
Telemedicine in Michigan: A Policy Report Addressing Legal and Reulary Barriers
Newborn Intensive Care Units and the Inner-City Detroit Neighborhoods
Medicare Managed Care: How Will it Work For African Americans
The Impact of Welfare Reform Incentives on Health Care Utilization and Cost Patterns Among Families Leaving the Medicaid Program
The Impact of Welfare Reform Incentives on Health Care Utilization and Cost Patterns Among Families Leaving the Medicaid Program