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Implementing Tax Abatements in Michigan: A Study of Best Practices
How Does Your Kindergarten Classroom Affect Your Earnings? Evidence from Project Star
Estimating the Effect of Unearned Income on Labor Supply, Earnings, Savings, and Consumption: Evidence from a Survey of Lottery Players
Measuring Site-level Success in Brownfield Redevelopments: A Focus on Sustainability and Green Building
Evaluating the Impacts of Local Economic Development Policies On Local Economic Outcomes: What Has Been Done and What is Doable?
Preenting Youth Violence and Dropout: A Randomized Field Experiment
Saving Incentives For Low and Middle-Income Families: Evidence From a Field Experiment With H&R Block
Near and Dear? Evaluating the Impact of Neighbor Diversity on Inter-Religious Attitudes
The Impact of Housing Assistance on Child Outcomes: Evidence from a Randomized Housing Lottery